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Be calm - Be patient - Be kind
Mental Health First Aid Training
Normalizing Mental Health discussions in the community and the workplace, one course at a time. Be part of the change.
Why learn MHFA?
Improve mental health literacy
Gain confidence to help and assist
Learn an action plan (ALGEE)
Evidence-based training and content
Know what to do in a mental health crisis
Be one of the Million
Introduction to Mental Health First Aid Courses
Around 1 in 5 Australian adults experience a common mental illness each year. Understanding how to talk about mental health and help someone in need are important skills. Many people feel uncomfortable and unprepared when thinking about starting a conversation with someone they are concerned about.
Why are our trainers different?
Qualified Trainers & Assessors
With real qualifications in education, ensuring a great and engaging experience on the day.
Mental Health Professionals
All work within the mental health industry bringing current experience.
Lived Experience
Our trainers know firsthand the impacts of mental health.
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